Below contains recommended methods to directly use or convert ISIS 3 (and ISIS v2) into a well-formed GIS compatible format.
Recommended Rules of the Road:
Conversion support: As stated above, I recommend using the GDAL utility application gdal_translate to convert from ISIS2, 3 or PDS format to another format for your application. Forth coming thread on GDAL tips for planetary data…
a few conversion examples:
My currently favorite method to convert to 8bit in ISIS (before using gdal to convert to geoTiff or GeoJpeg2000 or other format). I can't recommend the ISIS program bit2bit since it pushes valid data which is clipped into NoDATA (not good for viewing the image).
ISIS Stretch method 1:>stretch from=input.cub to=output_8bit.cub+8bit+1:254 USEPERCENTAGES=true pairs="0:1 100:254" null=0 lis=1 lrs=1 his=255 hrs=255
This allows you to specify input percentages for the mapping pairs. Thus when
USEPERCENTAGES=true is set pairs="0:1 100:254" means:
map 0% to 1 (or the file's min value to 1) and 100% to 254 (file's max value).
ISIS Stretch method 2:This also means you can apply a recommended 0.5% clip to remove the potential extraneous lows and highs like:
>stretch from=input.cub to=output_8bit.cub+8bit+1:254 USEPERCENTAGES=true pairs="0:1 0.5:1 99.5:254 100:254" null=0 lis=1 lrs=1 his=255 hrs=255
Now once in an 8bit format convert to GeoTiff or other for easy and fast viewing. For huge files take advantage of BigTiff or Jpeg2000 lossy support
----simple example Csh Script to force output scale to 1 to 255.
mag{90}> more /usgs/cdev/contrib/bin/to8bit_gdal_tif.csh
Recommended Rules of the Road:
- Before ingesting any file (PDS, ISIS, other) into a GIS it should be map projected.
- If file is to meant for visual purposes only (e.g. mapping on), it is highly recommended to stretch the images to 8bit (see below)
- Don't use funky projections (e.g.; ISIS's oblique cylindrical)
- Best to use positive East longitudes and a –180 to 180 longitude system.
- For Longitude systems 180 or 360 it is highly recommended to:
- if the set longitude system = 180 (-180 to 180), then set center longitude = 0 (or center of the image).
- if the set longitude system = 360 (0 to 360), then set center longitude = 180 (or center of the image).
- Don't use ISIS's method, isis2std, to convert files to Tiffs, Jpeg2000, Jpgs or PNGs. Why? It does not create a fully-formed GIS format with defined projection. It supports a GIS worldfile (simply the image registration in the current projected Cartesian plane) but not the projection definition.
- Do use GDAL's tools, gdal_translate, to convert files from ISIS3 to one of many output formats (GeoTiff, GeoJpeg2000, Jpeg, PNG, ENVI, ect.).
Conversion support: As stated above, I recommend using the GDAL utility application gdal_translate to convert from ISIS2, 3 or PDS format to another format for your application. Forth coming thread on GDAL tips for planetary data…
a few conversion examples:
- gdal_translate –of GTiff input_32bit.cub output_32bit.tiff
- gdal_translate –of GTiff input_16bit.cub output_16bit.tiff
- gdal_translate –of GTiff input_8bit.cub output_8bit.tiff
- gdal_translate –of Jpeg –ot Byte –scale input.cub output_8bit.jpg
- gdal_translate –of Jp2kak –co quality=100 input_16bit.cub output_16bit.jp2
My currently favorite method to convert to 8bit in ISIS (before using gdal to convert to geoTiff or GeoJpeg2000 or other format). I can't recommend the ISIS program bit2bit since it pushes valid data which is clipped into NoDATA (not good for viewing the image).
ISIS Stretch method 1:>stretch from=input.cub to=output_8bit.cub+8bit+1:254 USEPERCENTAGES=true pairs="0:1 100:254" null=0 lis=1 lrs=1 his=255 hrs=255
This allows you to specify input percentages for the mapping pairs. Thus when
USEPERCENTAGES=true is set pairs="0:1 100:254" means:
map 0% to 1 (or the file's min value to 1) and 100% to 254 (file's max value).
ISIS Stretch method 2:This also means you can apply a recommended 0.5% clip to remove the potential extraneous lows and highs like:
>stretch from=input.cub to=output_8bit.cub+8bit+1:254 USEPERCENTAGES=true pairs="0:1 0.5:1 99.5:254 100:254" null=0 lis=1 lrs=1 his=255 hrs=255
Now once in an 8bit format convert to GeoTiff or other for easy and fast viewing. For huge files take advantage of BigTiff or Jpeg2000 lossy support
- gdal_translate –ot GTiff –co Bigtiff=if_safer –co tiled=yes input_8bit.cub output_8bit.tif
- gdal_translate –ot Jp2kak input_8bit.cub output_8bit.jp2
----simple example Csh Script to force output scale to 1 to 255.
mag{90}> more /usgs/cdev/contrib/bin/to8bit_gdal_tif.csh
#usage: to8bit_gdal_tif.csh input.ext output.tif
#Note the use of $3 in gdal_translate which just allows you to add in other options. By default it will just be blank.
set in=$1
set out=$2
set stats = `gdalinfo -stats $in > /tmp/xxxtemp_stats.junk`
set min = `cat /tmp/xxxtemp_stats.junk | grep MINIMUM | awk -F= '{print $2}' | sed 's/ //g'`
set max = `cat /tmp/xxxtemp_stats.junk | grep MAXIMUM | awk -F= '{print $2}' | sed 's/ //g'`
gdal_translate -ot byte -of GTIFF -co compress=lzw -ot Byte $3 -a_nodata 0 -scale $min $max 1 255 $in $out
/bin/rm -f /tmp/xxxtemp_stats.junk